Penis Plastic Surgery: Dr. Mistry and Dr. Dellinger Explain Surgical Enhancement Options For Your Penis
Speaker 1:
Welcome to the Armor Men’s Health Hour with Dr. Mistry and Donna Lee.
Dr. Mistry:
Welcome to the Armor Men’s Health Hour. I’m Dr. Mistry, your host, here with my cohost, Donna Lee.
Donna Lee:
Hello everybody! Happy day.
Dr. Mistry:
I’m a board certified urologist. This is a men’s health show, and Donna Lee takes all my thunder sometimes.
Donna Lee:
I do. I try.
Dr. Mistry:
The people that call are really excited about talking to you.
Donna Lee:
They should be. I’m really awesome and cute.
Dr. Mistry:
My goodness. It’s only going to get worse now that we’re getting podcast famous.
Donna Lee:
That’s right. We’re podcastable, wherever you listen to podcasts.
Dr. Mistry:
That’s right. We had 2000 download last week.
Donna Lee:
I don’t know who the…I think it’s your mom and my mom, sitting at a computer…
Dr. Mistry:
I never thought I would worry so much about this kind of social media nonsense, and now, please listen to us.
Donna Lee:
We’re important.
Dr. Mistry:
It makes me feel loved.
Donna Lee:
I know. It’s, we shifted from Facebook, caring about Facebook posts, to the podcasts.
Dr. Mistry:
That’s right. Between podcast downloads and Yelp, it’s the, my total like feeling of self worth now.
Donna Lee:
No Yelp.
Dr. Mistry:
No Yelp. Well, there you go. Good job everybody. Good job, Mark Zuckerberg and our overlords making us feel self-worthy. This is a men’s health show. I’m a board certified urologist. Over the years, we’ve developed an amazing practice, a very holistic practice when it comes to men’s health and urologic issues. If you’ve never been to a urologist, I guess count yourself lucky, unless you needed one.
Donna Lee:
Right. Well, maybe they didn’t know they needed to go.
Dr. Mistry:
That’s right.
Donna Lee:
And then they listened to our show and they’re like, “Oh, I need a urologist.”
Dr. Mistry:
And fortunately for you, we may have an office near you.
Donna Lee:
Oh, we do have one in Round Rock, one in North Austin–nice segue–one in South Austin, and Dripping Springs, super cute Dripping Springs. You can send your questions to, and our website is
Dr. Mistry:
People think that when you train as a physician, you learn every single thing about your particular area. And I guess some people think I know everything about every other area, too. But you know, I’m not going to know how to fix your tennis elbow.
Donna Lee:
Like the thumb you had to put back together?
Dr. Mistry:
That’s right. That’s right. You know, I’ve put dislocated things, last week somebody asked me to sew their face together. I mean really, you know, they ask me a lot, but they think if I can handle ding-a-lings I can handle a little face, little face trauma. One of the most interesting things that we never really learned a lot about in training was this idea of plastic surgery and urology. But there’s no one organ that I think about more…
Donna Lee:
Right? Then’s in your pants?
Dr. Mistry:
That’s correct, than my ding-a-ling.
Donna Lee:
Your ding-a-ling and yum yums?
Dr. Mistry:
And there’s many different areas in urology in which your standard urologists and plastic surgeons overlap. Some of them are cosmetic and a lot of them are functional, even trauma related or related to being constantly bed bound or burn related and things of that nature. I’m really, really happy to have such a wonderful friend joining us today, Dr. David Dellinger from Elysian Plastic Surgery. Welcome, David.
Donna Lee:
Dr. Dellinger:
Thank you. Nice to be here.
Dr. Mistry:
David, how long have you been practicing in the Austin area?
Dr. Dellinger:
I have been in Austin since 2015, but this is actually my 23rd year in practice, though.
Dr. Mistry:
That’s right. You’ve been around.
Dr. Dellinger:
Yes, I’m afraid so. I have the gray hairs show for it, too.
Dr. Mistry:
I always envied plastic surgery. I mean, there’s a urology, which is the best thing to be, and a Baylor College of Medicine-trained urologist. But right under that…
Donna Lee:
Is plastic surgery?
Dr. Mistry:
…probably a Baylor College of Medicine-trained plastic surgeon, plastic surgery. And the reason is they have a training like you wouldn’t believe Donna Lee. They do, you know, depending on which route they take, you can be an ENT doctor and then go become a plastic surgeon. You can be a general surgeon, become a plastic surgeon. You could just become a plastic surgeon. You can operate on any part of the body, head to the toe. And so that in some ways you’re kind of like the master of everything, because you understand tissue techniques. What was your particular pathway through plastic surgery?
Dr. Dellinger:
I did five years of general surgery and I’m board certified in general surgery as well. And I did my plastic surgery at Cleveland Clinic.
Dr. Mistry:
That’s amazing. So you did a lot, you know, Cleveland Clinic is known for big cancer, big reconstruction. I mean that says something because if you’ve trained to do the big things, the small things may come easier.
Dr. Dellinger:
Oh yes. Yeah, definitely. It gets you a very broad exposure to a lot of different topics, a lot of different areas.
Dr. Mistry:
So in our field, we overlap in a few different ways. The area that I’m most excited about is kind of a rejuvenated effort in educating men and providing services for male penille enhancement.
Dr. Dellinger:
It certainly is a field that previously had been kind of taboo. It’s something that because of some misadventures by surgeons, you know, 20, 30 years ago, it was kind of put on the shelf and like, don’t do that. But in the last, you know, 15 to 20 years, we’re really seeing an increased interest in doing safe, reliable procedures with predictable results.
Dr. Mistry:
Penile enhancement is kind of the third rail of a serious urologist too. I mean, if you go to any kind of urologic program, this idea that taking the penis and cosmetically trying to make it better has been something that really hasn’t been really looked at. But I think several things have changed. I think number one, the introduction of safer ways to augment tissue; number two, the kind of wider acceptance of cosmetic surgery for aesthetic reasons in women; and I think something else too, I think that with increased tissue handling techniques, that a lot of our colleagues that do transgendered surgery have kind of undertaken, I think kind of this idea of modifying our genitals for aesthetic reasons is something that’s becoming more highly sought after by patients, and thus it’s making it so that we have to kind of push our boundaries on making it easier and safer.
Dr. Dellinger:
Oh yeah, I would definitely agree. Certainly, and it’s a very good point to bring up the gender modification procedures. Those as you know have increased tremendously in popularity and recognition. And again, based on what you just said, the ability to make these other changes in men is becoming increasingly…well coming to the forefront, I guess you would say.
Dr. Mistry:
So when men are looking for, you know, better cosmetic appearance or get better functionality of their, of their penis, there’s increasing length, there’s increasing girth, there’s increasing sensation, there’s all sorts of different things that men want. Interestingly, when they come to us because their partners or wives want them to have larger genitals, kind of the options that we give them are different when they’re looking themselves for better cosmetic outcomes, right?
Dr. Dellinger:
Definitely. And it, and a lot of times the men come in, you know, on their own. And other times they do, you know, have conversations with their partners and they make a joint decision to go in that direction.
Dr. Mistry:
Yes, that’s usually when they, when the partner says, “You know, I’ve had bigger.”
Donna Lee:
No pressure…poor guy.
Dr. Mistry:
Poor guys. In any case, as we kind of try to approach this topic both in a caring and compassionate way, but also seriously from a medical standpoint, what are some things that we do that give men the appearance of a longer penis?
Dr. Dellinger:
I mean, typically the number one thing that people come in and I talk to them about, and they may not want to talk about it is weight loss. Certainly, you know, decreasing the size of the fat pad and the pubic area…
Donna Lee:
The FUPA, you said?
Dr. Dellinger:
Yeah. People, they jokingly call it the FUPA which stands for fatty upper pelvic area. Sometimes you use…
Dr. Mistry:
That is not what they call it. [Inaudible] something else.
Donna Lee:
Oh. It’s just Dr. Dellinger’s classy.
Dr. Dellinger:
It’s a radio show, so. You know, decreasing that is probably the number one thing. So we do talk about weight loss.
Dr. Mistry:
And we talk about a 30 pound weight loss giving you one inch.
Dr. Dellinger:
And that’s probably, I think that’s a very accurate statement. Yes. We can do some things, you know, non surgically, there are nonsurgical fat reduction techniques such as TruSculpt that can be done on that area. And we can do liposuction as well to try and decrease that area. A lot of times we combine it with liposuction in the abdominal area and then kind of carry it down onto the pelvic region to sort of help uncover some of the penile shaft.
Dr. Mistry:
That’s great. So reducing kind of that upper fat area will help give a bigger appearance. I also like in some patients, the transection of that dorsal suspensory ligament, that’s right at the base of the penis. Although some men may experience kind of a drooping of their erect penis when it’s done. And I liked the scrotoplasty, where you take the scrotum, tack it back further back along the base of the penis.
Dr. Dellinger:
That’s also popular procedure. It goes both ways. I mean, some people want the [inaudible] procedure and then other patients you’ve probably, there is a Saturday Night Live skit about something called “Scrotox,” where they’re putting Botox into that area. But it actually does exist, and you can inject Botox into that area, especially if someone has a very tight scrotum, especially when they have erections. They can almost be painful in some cases, and they do find that that helps as well.
Dr. Mistry:
So that’s for length. When it comes to girth, we offer something very unique here in Austin.
Dr. Dellinger:
We do have the ability, there is an injectable product we’ve been doing since last fall, originally developed by a physician in Florida. And we have experience with his practice and over 7,000 cases. We’ve done at least a hundred here in Austin since then, and it’s a very safe and reliable technique for increasing girth. It’s very easy to get done with a topical numbing cream followed by injection of the product. Patient can drive themselves home and go back to work the next day. We do ask that they hold off having sex for about 30 days to allow the body to come in and process the product and grow some new collagen tissue matrix into the area to give a permanent result…
Dr. Mistry:
It’s like having somebody come buy a Lamborghini and tell them they got to keep it in the garage.
Donna Lee:
“Don’t drive it.” How’s awful for you guys.
Dr. Mistry:
Yeah. We’re going to talk a lot more about the injectable procedure, the way it’s done, and what it’s based upon, but really this is a huge building upon of what fillers have done for cosmetics over the last 20 years.
Dr. Dellinger:
Exactly. Yes. It’s been transformative what we’ve seen even since the 1990s.
Dr. Mistry:
So if they’re going to make an appointment with you, it’s And that’s going to be on our Facebook page and also in the notes of this show, if you listen to the podcast. And to get an appointment with Dr. Dellinger, it’s (512) 229-1978. Donna Lee, you want to take us out?
Donna Lee:
Sure. You can call us during the week at (512) 238-0762. You can ask for me! Our email addresses That’s We’ll be right back with Dr. Dellinger.
Dr. Mistry wants to hear from you. Email questions to We’ll be right back with the Armor Men’s Health Hour.